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2024 Betsy Award Application

Monday, February 19, 2024 (12:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (CST)


Elizabeth Traczek Women in Commercial Real Estate Award aka “The Betsy” 

Betsy Traczek was a member of the BOMA/Chicago Board of Directors, sat on the Labor Committee, volunteered as a Gold Circle Awards judge, and served as longtime chair of the Events Committee. Betsy gave 110%. This award was created in her memory, to recognize women who have made a difference in our industry and acknowledge BOMA/Chicago’s female leaders. 

We are accepting applications for the Betsy Award! Applications must be submitted online by February 19, 2024. Please review these guidelines to understand the application requirements and selection process.

Application Requirements

  • The application packet should include:
    • Completed application  
    • Bio or Resume
    • Headshot
  • Applicants must be employed in a BOMA/Chicago member building or affiliate company or be within one year of when BOMA/Chicago membership ended.
  • Applicants must have at least ten years of experience in the commercial real estate industry.
  • Finalists will be required to participate in an in-person interview with members of the awards panel (Note: please allow 30-45 minutes to complete the interview).
  • Award recipients are not eligible to receive the Award again.  
  • The Award recipient will be announced at the BOMA/Chicago Annual Meeting and/or a separate event. 
  • BOMA/Chicago Board Members are eligible to be nominated.

Award Selection Process

Applications will be collected by BOMA/Chicago staff and presented to the Events Committee for initial review. The Committee will evaluate all submissions for completeness and against the following criteria:

  • To what extent has the nominee positively impacted the industry?
  • To what extent has the nominee’s leadership inspired others? 
  • To what extent has the nominee mentored or advanced others’ professional growth? 
  • To what extent has the nominee contributed to the industry through involvement with BOMA/Chicago? 

Using the above criteria, the Events Committee will identify finalists to be interviewed by an Awards Panel consisting of:

  • Two members of the BOMA/Chicago Board of Directors
  • The Chair of the Event Committee
  • The Vice Chair of the Event Committee 
  • The BOMA/Chicago Board Liaison for the Event Committee 


BOMA/Chicago staff will arrange an in-person interview for each finalist with the members of the Awards Panel. Finalists will be evaluated against the above criteria, and the Panel will recommend award recipients to the BOMA/Chicago Board of Directors for approval.  


You can now nominate someone for “The Betsy”
How does it work? Simply send your nomination to, include their full contact information along with a short statement as to why you feel they are deserving of the award. We will contact all nominees to let them know they have been nominated for the award.  The nominee will need to accept the nomination and submit the application packet.

View Application Here

Event Contact
Beth Halat
Send Email
Monday, February 19, 2024 (12:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (CST)
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