Cyber-Attack: Local Electrical Power Outage
Join BOMA/Chicago’s Preparedness Committee and the City’s First Responders for the 2024 Preparedness Tabletop Exercise focused on a utility cyber-attack on Tuesday, November 12 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at 300 N LaSalle.
This year’s tabletop exercise will be presented by Allied Universal Security Services. Individual properties will work together with larger groups to identify issues and lay out a response plan to a local electrical power outage. Scenarios will include:
Commercial office professionals including building management, engineers, and security directors, are encouraged to attend. Attendees will receive a take-home tabletop exercise to share with their staff.
Only 100 seats are available. Tickets are $30 per person and include a continental breakfast.
9:30 AM - Check-In & Breakfast
10:00 AM - Tabletop Intro & Scenarios
11:45 AM - "Hot Wash" Review & Summary
Remembering Carlos Villarreal
Carlos Villarreal, a US Marine Corps veteran and Senior Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Security Services for Whelan Security, worked in the industry for over 30 years. He oversaw security and consulted on numerous mega-structure projects across North America. Some of these projects included the Willis Tower and John Hancock Center in Chicago, the Empire State Building in New York, the Jin Mao Building in China, and the CN Tower in Toronto. A substantial contributor and beloved member of BOMA/Chicago's Preparedness Committee, Carlos was a frequent speaker, writer, and media resource on matters related to high-rise security and life safety.
Presented by Allied Universal Security Services